Bitter Sweet

Matt and I got TONS of Target giftcards from the wedding. We got so many in fact, that we weren't able to use all of them on household items. Instead we now have extra grocery money! I'm not sure how I like grocery shopping at Target. Their selection is very random. They have to have the top brands in everything so they are more expensive, but they also have generic target brands that aren't too bad. Anyway, when you go to target and you're using "play money" you can splurge without feeling guilty. We have a big bowl full of delicous, creamy, smooth, decadent Ghiradelli Chocolate squares of the milk, mint and carmel filled variety. MMmmmm... AND they were on sale, 3 bags for $5! Can you believe it? Cause I can't! If you happen to go to Target in the next couple of days I highly suggest you check the sweets aisle to see if those Ghiradelli squares are still on sale. Yum!

My faithful black "tall shoes" I've had since junior year of high school broke today. It was a sad day for all. Tears were shed, ankles were bruised, and hearts were lifted at the thought of buying new shoes to replace the old ones!


  1. shafnitz said...

    That was very heartfelt.  

  2. be said...

    $5 for 3 bags, eh? Can you live off of chocolate? What would happen if I just spent my entire food budget for the whole month on chocolate and that were all I ate?  

  3. Heather said...

    I think you could live off of chocolate and water for quite a while. It would take a long time for your body to use up all its reserves of needed nutrients. Plus I'm sure there's plenty of nutrients in chocolate. I think Maggie's the girl to ask though, since she is the food scientist.
    I do have to say this chocolate is GOOD.  

  4. be said...

    I went to go get some today and I couldn't find it. I was mad. And I couldn't remember what your new last name was to call you and ask you the details, and no one at Target seemed to know who you were, either.  

  5. Maggie said...

    I bet in a month or so you'd get scurvy. That'd be pretty cool to see. I've only ever read about that disease.  

  6. Heather said...

    Sorry you couldn't find the infamous chocolates,Bryant. I was even at Target on Saturday. I bet we barely missed each other. I thought you had my new number.  


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