So, I got sick over the weekend. It hit Friday afternoon. It was in remission Saturday. Then it came into full swing Sunday afternoon. I taught my lesson, and came home with head pounding from the sinus pressure and breathing heavily out of my mouth because my nose was all clogged up. Jana made us a fabulous Easter dinner with lamb, pita bread, hummus, and asparagus; it was delicious. Afterwards we decided to play the best game of all time, Rook. While playing I began to notice I was having a hard time breathing, it felt like I was having an asthma attack, which was weird since my asthma is exercise induced. After we were playing for a while I began to feel lightheaded and I was unable to catch my breath. I didn't really think much of it, because having lived with asthma for 6 years now, I figured it would eventually go away, and I'd be fine.
My roommates and Matt on the other hand were pretty worried. I had run out of my inhaler medication about a month ago, and didn't know anyone else who had asthma and could let me use some of their medication. So, since it wasn't getting any better we decided it would be best that we go to the hospital to fix the problem. It really wasn't that big of a deal. We went to the ER, I gave them my name and insurance info. I talked to a nurse, she took my blood pressure, my temperature, my resting pulse rate (which was about 100 beats/minute) and my O2 levels (which were normal). Then we waited for about 20 minutes, a doctor listened to me breathe, told me I should have the mole on my face removed, lectured me on caring for myself with asthma, I was given a breathing treatment, and then I was sent home.
Monday I was still not feeling too well, Tuesday I was getting worse, and Wednesday I couldn't get out of bed. My body was just tired and aching. So, I spent the day sleeping.
All of this information precedes a statement I made last night. Feeling rather groggy, but much better after a day of rest, I tried to help soothe Jana, who had received some unpleasant news during the day. During the soothing process we started to play a game of rumikub. While playing Maggie walks in the door from her speech class, and I greet her with "How was your speech? Were you the prize of the petition?"
I will admit to the fact that I did actually say it, but I must refer you back to my story of being sick. I was obviously totally out of it, when I said this to Maggie. I mean it's not like I come up with weird random phrases all the time!
P.s. I feel much better today.


  1. Maggie said...

    Yeah right, we know you say awesome things like that all on your own! You don't to be sick to help you say them!  


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