For Valentine's day I made Matt a huge homemade valentine. One of those classic big red hearts with pink loops as a border. It says 'Happy Valentime's Mattie!' It was fun making it, it felt like elementary school. He loves cashews so I got him some chocolate covered cashews, they looked like hearts too. I got him a book that's called 365 Ways to Kiss Your Love, it's really cute there's one kiss that's called the fishy kiss and you make a fishy face and then kiss your love like that. I also got him a magnet that's purple and it says You & Me on it (we like a song that is called 'you and me') and I especially am happy that the magnet is purple. Mattie did a really good job this Valentine's day. He got me roses a day early so I could enjoy them all day on Valentine's they are really pretty roses too, pink with redish tips.
He also got me a gift certificate for a massage and an iPod shuffle - not a gift certificate one, a real one, but that was more for our 6 monthiversary (we don't usually give monthiversary gifts, but Matt was being especially thoughtful at the time).
I made us an AWESOME Valentimes dinner featuring pink heart-shaped pancakes, crescent rolls with raspberry filling and raspberry jam for the pancakes. Yummy! and Cute!I can't wait for us to have kids so they can talk about their crazy mom and how she does crazy things for the holidays, like I do with my mom.
This is me being very valentimesy:Then after Valentime's day was over it was back to regular-not-as-fun-time's day(s). I took the first of several midterms tonight, and am really tired. Matt and I are excited for Saturday so we can sleep-in.
About Me
Matt and I were married two years ago. We recently bought our first home in Eagle Mountain, UT. Little Ezra joined our family on September 30, 2007, and we love him lots! Feel free to get a peek into our life together here or at Matt's blog.
Happy 3 days after Valentime's day!
I'm so glad you had a great day! Tonight I'm going to a bluegrass jam session with Dan! All these people just come together on Friday nights and play bluegrass music. You can join in if you want, but I think for my first visit I'm just going to enjoy the atmosphere.