As Promised

Maggie called me on never posting, so this is for her. (Our internets were unreliable for a while, not to mention I've been very busy and I'm sharing computers with Matt... but I don't want to make any excuses or anything.)

About our new home the front room and the kitchen look great, the office and the nursery however are both disaster areas. Which brings me to about the baby/pregnancy. I am totally in a panic here. We only have 9 weeks to get the nursery ready for the baby. As I mentioned it is a total disaster in there; I don't even know where to start. Other than that, I love being pregnant, and I love my baby. He kicks like crazy, especially at night when I'm trying to sleep. When he's not kicking me he gets the hiccups, which are funny and annoying at the same time. I also feel like a big fatso, and I don't think I'll ever be able to fit into my old clothes again. Oh well!

I cut my hair today. Literally, I took the scissors to my own head. This is the shortest haircut I have ever had, and I actually like it a lot. Plus it was FREE, even if it took me probably two hours to cut it all. (I usually just go to the beauty school, and the students take almost two hours to cut my hair anyway.) I took off about 4 or 5 inches, so it was a pretty drastic cut. I know I'm crazy, but this isn't the first time I've cut my own hair. I used to do it in high school all the time.

Our good friends Boz and Maegan just had their baby boy this morning, Congrats! I can't wait to go see him. I love babies!

Okay here's my to-do list for the nursery.
1. Clear out anything that's not staying in the room and put in storage.
2. Put away anything we are storing in the baby's closet.
3. Sand down and clean baby's furniture.
4. Paint or refinish furniture.
5. While room is all cleared out paint room.
6. Put bassinet in our bedroom.
7. Arrange furniture in nursery.
8. Buy crib.
9. Hang any pictures or decorations.
10. Do not go insane...


  1. Maggie said...

    Holy Cow that's a long list! You'll get it all done though I'm sure. Are you still working or do you have more time to get all that done? Good luck!  

  2. Brittany said...

    It it makes you feel any better, I didn't have a nursery to set up until a few days after I had Baylee. So, don't stress too bad about it. You'll hardly use it for the first little bit anyways. As long as you can find the baby clothes. You're pretty daring to cut your own hair. I've been wanting to cut mine, but I know I wouldn't do a good job. Have fun with the rest of your pregnancy and relax! We miss you! And I'm glad you posted again!  

  3. Unknown said...

    O.k. deep breaths! everything is going to be alright. In, out...In, out. Do you feel any better? :) I love you and I can't wait to see you. Can we hang out on Saturday?  

  4. Mema said...

    I can't wait to see you and your new hair cut!!  

  5. Maggie said...

    See! I'm not the only one that looks forward to posts from you! Hope all is still going well!  

  6. Heather said...

    Matt says he's going to work on the nursery while I'm gone for a few days, so that will be nice to come home to!
    I can't wait to see you Mom and Brookie! I would love to hang out with you on Saturday Brooke. I'm sure it is going to be so much fun!  

  7. Katrina Wright said...

    hey just gettingyou my page address... it was so good seeing you. you look so good!


  8. Anonymous said...

    Make sure you don't paint or stain furniture, the fumes can hurt your baby.  

  9. Cari Florence said...

    Heather It's Cari. I am so sorry I didn't make it to your shower! It had been quite the crazy day, and my son was down for the night at 6:00. Ryan was gone until 10 so I couldn't make it. I feel so bad! I wanted to see you. Well I hope everything is going well. Keep in contact with me. My blog is Good luck with your little guy! You're going to LOVE being a mom!!!  


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