It's Official

Matt and I closed on our condo yesterday! We should be getting the keys to our new home today! We still have a TON of packing to do. Our big moving day is Saturday (everyone's invited! bring your swimsuits to swim afterwards!). We are going to buy a new couch! I am soo excited because our current hand-me-down couches are pretty ugly (and by that I mean I hate them). We are planning on getting this couch:

It's from IKEA, and I love it. But Matt thinks we should get a couch from Big lots because it is microfiber and will cost about the same. (I told him it looks like a Grandpa couch, it's really puffy and big) We're going to go look at it though. I'm just excited to have a home that I can decorate and paint however I want. I have lots of ideas, but we'll see if they all happen. Well I have to get back to packing. Here's last weeks belly photo:

Belly Photos!

Finally, here's four of them!

18 weeks:

19 Weeks:
20 Weeks:

21 Weeks:Whew! My belly is getting big! I'm at 22 weeks now too, so I will hopefully be putting 22 up soon. Everything is going great here, our house is a mess, and I have no motivation to try and straighten up because we're going to begin the packing process soon. Yay!

Happy Fourth of July!


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