I took my first final this morning. Maggie and I were talking about it, and wondering...why does everyone get so stressed out about finals? I'm not saying that my finals/classes aren't hard, or that I'm being lazy or anything like that, but honestly it's not so bad. I had a week this semester with 5 exams in one week! That was crazy, that was stressful. The are a few huge differences between that week and this one. 1) After I finish this week the semester is over! 2) I don't have to work this week, at all. 3) No classes. 4) 5 exams 84 hours to study and take them (then another one online Friday morning when I'm home--in AZ).

I felt like I needed a between exams and study sessions treat/snack. But I'm fresh out of those, so I'm eating some Ghiradelli semi-sweet chocolate chips right now. It's quite tasty actually.

My family picked names for Christmas presents this year. I got Brooke. I made her present this weekend (A homemade present!) It is so awesome, if I didn't love Brooke so much, I'd keep it for myself. It's kind of a work of art, I'm trying to decide if I should sign the corner of them, just for fun.

It's been in the low 60's high 50's the past couple of days, Maggie says it's like we're having springtime for Christmas. I kind of like it, I miss Arizona weather.

So, I keep getting complaints about how I haven't been writing. I just want you all to know, that I have nothing interesting to say! Seriously though. I went back and read a few of my classic posts, and now I'm like "my life is so boring and lame". Ok, the lame part isn't really true. I actually am quite fond of how my life is going right now. So, for an update of my life:

I go to BYU.
I'm a Junior (which when I say that it makes me feel old. But then I think, I'm only twenty, I'm practically a child).
I LOVE my family.
I work in the Law Library, some people find this intriguing...I have no idea why, it's pretty boring.
My roommate, Maggie, and I watch Gilmore Girls religiously. I called her today to let her know that I wasn't going to be making it to our weekly viewing because I had to take a physiology exam. To my utter delight, it was a re-run tonight and I didn't miss a new one!
I finished my last test for the semester (pre-final that is) I had 3 this week, and I am starting my 6 finals on Monday-- Lucky me!
We're going to rent a movie and watch it now, so I have to go.


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