I'm Engaged!

I thought I mine as well let everyone in the world know, because I'm pretty excited about it. I'm getting married to Mattie on August 20th!

I play the banjo!

I had a fantastic weekend (that is fantastic in a non-sarcastic tone)!
I just discovered that blogger has bullets/numbering, so I think I will use both of them in describing my "good" weekend.

  1. I went to IHOP for dinner on Friday night. Not only does that mean breakfast for dinner, but it also means GERMAN PANCAKES for dinner mmmm...
  2. I went to the Church History Museum to see the new Joseph Smith exhibit. There were original transcripts of translations of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith's journal(I could actually read one of his journal entries), a cloak that Joseph Smith wore as the Lieutenant General, and lots of other really great things that the Prophet used.
  3. Matt and I played scattergories with 3 other couples-we totally dominated...I believe we had 64 and the closest to us was 53.
  4. Maggie's Bridal Shower was a success! There was laughing, talking, eating, present-opening, etc.
  5. I got to take a nap.
  6. We went to a Bluegrass festival. It is so good to be with a guy who enjoys the same kind of music as me, I don't think I could have gotten any of my past boyfriends to go to a bluegrass anything. The music was pretty good, but I was glad to leave when we did.
  7. Matt and I split a Brick Oven pizza for a second dinner, Yum! Matt let me pay for the meal, I like paying for things every once in a while, just so he knows he's not one up on me...kidding Matt, I'm only kidding.
  8. Bowling after Pizza. I love to bowl. My ball was lopsided which led to a lot of frustration; I was dead on several times, and then the ball would veer to the left just at the last second leaving one or two pins unscathed. It was fun still, we all were equally mediocre.
  9. I slept in on Sunday until 9:40am. That's huge for me! I really needed the sleep too.
  10. I went to church with Matt. In Relief Society we watched Finding Faith in Christ. I balled my eyes out, then told the Relief Society President (who was sitting right next to me) I would never come back to that ward again. Actually I was really glad they showed that video, I love it. I wouldn't mind going back to that ward again at all.
  11. Toria made lasgna, french bread and salad for dinner. It's one of my favorite. Oo oo, and we had orange cream ice cream things in those little cups with the wooden spoons. They were also delicious.
  12. We played Rook, and I got to have Matt as my partner. We play really well together.
  13. We watched The Incredibles, it was the first time I got to see it, and it was great! Yes, I jumped in a few parts, but you have to remember...I'm just a little girl.

So for a quick recap:
  • Matt is awesome.
  • Maggie is awesome.
  • Food is good.
  • The Incredibles was great.
  • I like the bullets and numbering they have on here. I don't know how long they have been here, and I haven't been able to use them simply because of my lack of observance.

After my sister was baptized my dad proceeded to invite everyone in attendance over to our house to have refreshments and have a kind of birthday/baptism celebration for Hayden. Well Hayden was obviously excited, and after my Dad finished explaining that everyone needed to come back to our house to eat because we had enough food to feed a small army, Hayden enthusiastically exclaimed, "Yeah, cause we're rich!"
Maggie hadn't heard that story before, so I figured none of you had either. All I can say is Hayden will never live that one down. It's been almost four years since the incident and you can still catch members of our family using that as an explanation for all kinds of things.
Mom: You can invite three friends to come over, Hayden.
Paige: Yeah, cause we're rich!

Chandler: I got tons of candy for Halloween this year!
Parker: Yeah, cause we're rich!

Me: We're having chips and salsa for a snack.
Dad: Yeah, cause we're rich!

FYI: I just spilt my glass of water on the couch; it looks like I sprung a leak out of my right bum cheek (and I have to go to class in a minute).
Prior to that I ate an avocado for a snack. You know, Matt, I cut the avocado in half, poured on a little salt and spooned out all the goodness and ate it! Mmmmm....sooo delicious...
It snowed last night. It's April.

I made yellow cupcakes with cherry frosting last night. It reminds me of Valentine's Day in elementary school. I've been thinking about my life in elementary school. Why can't life be so blissful as it was then?
1. recess=time to run around, climb things, yell loudly, forget about the worries of times tables and Arizona state history.
2. art=time to get messy and be creative. Paint, clay, paper, plaster of paris, glue, crayons, chalk, tissue paper, mother's day presents.
3. library=time to pick out any book I want, and sit down and read, with no thoughts of taking notes or what I'm going to learn from the book.
4. siblings=seeing my cooler older sister at school everyday, and thinking, "I have the coolest older sister of anyone else in my class, and she goes to my school."
5. holidays=surprise visits from mom, cookies and cupcakes, dressing up, pandemonium in the classroom.
6. writing assignments=time to sit down, write whatever is in my head, let the creative juices flow.
7. 4-square=I am the 4-square King!
8. crush=the cute boy I had a crush on all through elementary school, and I knew he had a crush on me too.
9. teachers=my second mom, my favorite person, has the same birthday as me, twin day, teacher's pet, considered one of my best friends.

1. recess=the weekends and any freetime I get to spend with Matt and/or Maggie. Usually spent watching movies, doing hair, talking, playing card games (Rook!).
2. art=on the rare chance I have time, painting. I love painting! I love anything to do with art, but I'm no good at most of it.
3. library=hours spent there cramming for exams, preparing group projects, wasting away Friday nights and Saturday afternoons studying (that was back in my single days).
4. siblings=the people I miss the most out here at school, the people who are growing up without me.
5. holidays=time to catch up with school work, roadtrip down to AZ, or just veg.
6. writing assignments=put off to the last moment, when I write my best. I enjoy my own writing assignment of writing on my blog on occasion. I also enjoyed my writing assignment for my Bible as Lit. class.
7. 4-square=I'm still the 4-square King!
8. crush=now I'm allowed to date my crush, and he makes me very happy.
9. teachers=sometimes hard to approach or hard to relate to, sometimes becomes a close friend. Usually someone I admire and look up to. Especially my science professors and most of my religious and English professors.

Perhaps life is just as blissful now as it was then, only on completely different levels. I am very happy right now. School is stressful, life decisions are very stressful, but I am loved, and I have others to love. That's really the best part of life.


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